Tell us how you travel to Anfield and win VIP Experience Day tickets

Liverpool FC is calling on fans to tell us how you travel to Anfield on matchdays.

It will help us to improve your overall matchday experience and you could win four Anfield VIP Experience Day tickets (non-matchday) for taking part.

We will be conducting face-to-face surveys with supporters at the Everton game on Wednesday night, so be sure to look out for our friendly interview staff in and around Anfield before the game.

You will also be able to complete the survey online and interview staff will be on hand to give you a flyer with a unique survey reference number, allowing you to complete the survey in your own time.

Once you have answered the simple online questions, we’ll collate the results to help improve travel for all our supporters to and from Anfield stadium.

For more details visit

Closing date for the online surveys to be completed Wednesday December 11, 2019.

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