Joel Matip pays special visit to LFC International Soccer School

Children attending this week's five-day LFC International Academy Soccer School were treated to a surprise when Liverpool star Joel Matip paid a special visit to Kirkby.

The Cameroon star spent the afternoon with the kids, answering a wide range of questions from who his hero was when he was growing up to how he prepares both mentality and physically each matchday.

Matip also spoke about what it takes to become a professional player and, most importantly, how to play the Liverpool way.

Coaching resource manager Andrew Nicholas said: "It was fantastic for the kids to be able to meet Joel Matip on our soccer school course.

"This sort of experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these aspiring young players.

"The advice and knowledge players like Joel are able to pass onto the kids is invaluable and this experience is one they will be sure to remember for the rest of their lives."

Places for this summer’s courses are still on sale as well as our October course with limited places remaining.

For more details and to book your course, please click here.

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