LFC Foundation to run 'Open Goals' taster sessions in July

Following the popularity of the 'Open Goals' sports and physical activity sessions in local parks, throughout July the LFC Foundation will be bringing additional taster sessions to various locations and events around the city.

The one-off taster sessions include:

These ‘taster sessions’ are in addition to the regular Open Goals sessions that take place in local parks around Liverpool each weekend, including: Stanley Park, Doric Park, Wavertree Sports Park, Walton Hall Park, Belle Vale Park, Norris Green Park and Jubilee Sports Bank.

Open Goals sessions are open and inclusive to all abilities and skill levels, with family-friendly games and activities including football, quick cricket, ultimate frisbee, orienteering games, hot potato, cat and mouse, bean bag throw and frisbee golf – encouraging families to get active together.

For more information about Open Goals sessions, visit the LFC Foundation’s website.

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