LFC Foundation participants reach out to elderly residents

Junior participants from LFC Foundation programmes have reached out to local elderly residents in a bid to tackle social isolation during the coronavirus outbreak.

Youngsters from LFC Foundation’s Kicks Inclusion and Kicks Girls sessions have written letters and drawn pictures to send to local care home residents who are unable to receive visitors throughout the period of lockdown.

Local residential care home Saint Jude’s received the first batch of children’s letters, with LFC Foundation now looking to expand the initiative to involve elderly people across the city.

Terri Ritchie, LFC Foundation’s inclusion manager, said: “We recently spoke to the staff at Saint Jude’s, who told us that the residents were missing their family and friends and the local school children who regularly visit.

“We thought it would be a great opportunity to get some of our younger participants involved to help stop social isolation and loneliness during these difficult times.

“With the elderly residents not being too good with technology, they’ve asked for children to send handwritten messages and pictures to cheer them up and remind them that they’re not alone while they’re unable to have any visitors.

“While also providing a lift to the elderly residents, it’s been a fun and creative activity for our young participants to do at home with their families – they’ve loved making the cards and letters.

“We’re now hoping to reach out to more residential homes across the city to spread some joy and build connections between the younger and older generations.”

Any local care homes wishing to get involved with the initiative can contact Terri.Ritchie@liverpoolfc.com.

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'Creativity and continuity': How LFC Foundation is staying connected with the community

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