Summer of Champions: We are Liverpool - you are our champions!

Firstly, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Summer of Champions activities.

At the beginning of August, we announced that we would be resuming our session delivery, by providing a host of free, fun ‘face-to-face’ sessions and holiday camps till the end of summer as part of our Summer of Champions celebrations.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, our sessions were completely paused, which meant that we had to deliver virtually so we could stay in touch with and support children and their families.

Summer of Champions to us was about not only celebrating the success of the first team but celebrating and supporting each and every child and young person who has been living through some big changes and difficult times lately - you are our champions!

Across our Summer of Champions, we’ve seen:

Through the four weeks of delivery, we received some amazing feedback from parents and participants who took part in our sessions across the city.

"Thank you so much for the football summer camp, my son absolutely loved it. It was really well organised and very safe with regards to covid restrictions. The gift he received was great - he’s so happy and it was all for free!"

Our Open Goals sessions have received some rewarding feedback too: "It has done wonders both exercise and confidence wise. It’s great to have this service within a mile of our home and for free. It’s been a long summer, stuck at home trying to home work and keep the children occupied, often using tech to keep them quiet/entertained. But these sessions have been something they really look forward to and are motivated to get out whatever the weather."

It’s been such a huge success, welcoming our children, young people and families back to our sessions - it’s been amazing seeing everyone all back playing sport and having fun while staying safe!

Thank You. We are Liverpool. You are our champions!

Keep an eye out for our autumn timetable for more of your favourite LFC Foundation sessions.

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