'An incredible impact' - Klopp praises Reds' work with neuro11

Jürgen Klopp has praised the ‘incredible impact’ made by Liverpool’s work with neuro11 so far this campaign.

The German neuroscience company have been involved with the Reds since the pre-season training camp in Evian last summer.

Their work focuses on helping players prepare for in-game set-piece situations – including penalties – by analysing brain activity during training drills.

Klopp referenced neuro11’s influence on Liverpool’s players after they successfully converted all 11 spot-kicks during Sunday’s Carabao Cup final shootout win over Chelsea at Wembley.

The manager then added on Tuesday: "[They’ve had an] incredible impact. It's such a nice story. I can't say exactly when, but I got in contact with them because I found the idea so interesting.

“They are a fixed part of our coaching staff. They are not here all of the time, they are in Germany obviously, but they come over quite frequently and they were here for the last week. Before that, they were here for five days, that's how it works because we are very often on the road and not here, so why should they then be here? That makes no sense, so we need to find these moments when we are here a lot and then work together with the boys in a specific way.

“All of the players were really excited about it. It's about bringing specific players before a set-piece into the right mindset by doing the stuff you do on the pitch. Everything gets measured, they are neuroscientists and it's incredibly interesting and incredibly important to us - a very interesting new chapter for us.

“It's not only penalties, but obviously in the last week it was a lot about penalties because of the upcoming final. It's about all kinds of set-pieces as well. I think I said after the game the last few boys [in the shootout] were not on the list anymore, but that's not true - they were on a list, just not mine because nobody expected [the shootout] would go that long. But even with Ibou, they have worked together and that obviously helps as well.

“I had a very interesting question after it about if Chelsea worked together with them as well because there was just one penalty difference, but it is not about that, it's just the confidence they gave the boys, that they really can do it, and I am really happy about it.”

Klopp added: “Penalties are the most obvious thing [they work on], but it's about all set-pieces - corners, free-kicks, direct free-kicks, crosses and all these kind of things. Whoever comes into these situations has extra sessions with the neuro11 guys.”

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