Getting your head around exactly how Liverpool Football Club came into existence can be difficult.

There are countless key figures and important dates - not least March 15, 1892 - to remember in the complex story of LFC's birth. 

But fear not, help is at hand.

Ahead of celebrations of the club's 125th anniversary year getting under way in June, we enlisted a group of local schoolchildren to act out the chain of events that led to its creation.

Museum curator Stephen Done headed down to Four Oaks Primary in Anfield to help the kids tell the story, while club legend Gary McAllister was also in attendance to watch their performance.

LFC ambassador McAllister said: “Seeing the children perform the story of how the club was formed really brought it to life. It was a history lesson like no other and all in the shadow of Anfield.

“I think it’s great that kids try to understand where the club came from and that there was one man, John Houlding, that started it all off.”

See how they got on, and learn a little more about LFC's history, with our free clip below.