Reds legend Ian Rush today kicked off the final LFC - Standard Chartered soccer clinic of 2011 in Dubai.

Joined by four members of the club's community coaching team - Mark Bygroves, Forbes Duff, Carl McAuley and Anthony Wright - Rush took part in a series of sessions with different groups of kids throughout the day, ensuring the gospel of the Liverpool way was spread to yet another part of the world.

"Just like Mumbai a couple of weeks ago, this isn't an area where kids play a lot of football so the quality of the young boys and girls running around is a bit different," said Gavin Laws, Standard Chartered Head of Corporate Affairs.

"Dubai is special for us and a very important part of the world for our bank so it's great we could come out here. This morning Rushie and the coaches worked with our clients' kids and this afternoon our staff members will bring their children along.

"Tomorrow we'll also be working with some of the disadvantaged kids in the community, so it should be a great experience for everyone involved.

"As usual, Rushie has been fantastic. He just delivers for us all the time. Last night we had dinner with ten fairly important clients of our bank, people who don't necessarily know or even like football, but he wowed them all and it ended up being a later night than we expected because people just wanted to talk to him."

Here are some snaps of Rushie working with some of the kids at the latest LFC - Standard Chartered soccer clinic in Dubai.