Two young Liverpool supporters are celebrating today after winning the chance to be a mascot at Anfield next year.

Daniel, 8, from Dubai, and Gabriela, 9, from India, will be leading the Reds out for separate games early in 2012 after winning a special penalty competition at the Dubai ice-rink in the middle of the world's biggest shopping mall.

As part of Liverpool FC's visit to Dubai this week, club sponsors Standard Chartered ran a competition on their facebook site, after which 20 winners were selected to go head to head in a penalty competition, with Ian Rush looking on.

With points available for every penalty kick, Daniel came out on top in the boys' category while Gabriela was the spot kick queen for the girls.

"I can't believe it," said Gabriela. "I'm so excited. I've never been to Liverpool before. I watch the games on the television and love Steven Gerrard. I can't wait to meet him and the rest of the players."

Dubai-born Daniel was equally as excited, adding: "I love Gerrard as well and Stewart Downing is also a favourite of mine. I can't wait for the day now. It is going to be so exciting."

Here are some snaps of the lucky duo with Ian Rush celebrating their win and other pictures from the Dubai ice rink.