Money donated by Liverpool and Rangers fans has raised over £4000 for groups close to the clubs' hearts.

A total of £4100 was split between the Hillsborough Family Support Group and the Ibrox Memorial Fund.

The cash was raised as part of a collection that took place before October's friendly between the two sides at Ibrox and supporters were also able to donate online.

Last night, members of the Hillsborough Ibrox Memorial Group handed over a cheque to the Hillsborough Family Support Group (HFSG).

Margaret Aspinall, Chairman of the HFSG, said: "I would like to thank everyone who helped make the recent Rangers v Liverpool friendly match at Ibrox such a success and to all the fans who donated so generously at the event to these two worthy causes.

"Your support means so much to each and every one of us."

The Ibrox disaster claimed the lives of 66 Rangers fans on Saturday, 2 January 1971.

In October 2010, The Hillsborough Ibrox Memorial Group (HIMG) was established in memory of 8-year-old Nigel Pickup, a boy from Huyton and a fan of both Rangers and Liverpool who was the youngest person to die at the Ibrox stadium disaster.

Their aims are to educate the public about the Ibrox and Hillsborough disaster and to assist the HFSG in their continued fight for justice.

They also work with existing groups connected with the Ibrox Disaster to ensure that fitting memorials are in place remember those that lost their lives.

John McGivern, Secretary of the Hillsborough Ibrox Memorial Group, said: "We wish to thank all those who donated to this and special thanks must go to Mr. Jim Hannah from Glasgow Rangers without whose help and friendship none of this would have been possible.

"No football fan should go to a game to support the team they love and not return. We wish to thank all those who continue to support us through our website"

As well as the collection outside the ground, a special remembrance flag, in memory of those who lost their lives in the two tragedies, was paraded on the pitch prior to the game on October 18, 2011.

The banner was carried by six people, with three from the HIMG and three Rangers fans - one of whom was Jonathan Adams whose grandfather George Adams died at the Ibrox disaster.

Jonathan's great, great granddad Andrew Hannah was the first ever captain of Liverpool FC.

Margaret Aspinall said: "On behalf of the Hillsborough Family Support Group may I take this opportunity to thank John McGivern and all concerned from the Hillsborough Ibrox Memorial Group for their dedication and commitment, not just to the HFSG but also to the families of those who died at Ibrox."