Kenny Dalglish today spoke of his delight after Steven Gerrard put pen to paper on an extension to his Liverpool contract.

Speaking the day after watching his captain drive the Reds to within 90 minutes of the Carling Cup final with the winning goal at Manchester City, Dalglish admits today's news of a new deal is another massive boost for everybody connected with the club.

"It's fantastic for everybody," said the manager. "Over the past couple of years he's had a couple of disappointing spells where he's picked up injuries through no fault of anybody. He picked up a couple of infections which were completely unrelated. He's come back fantastically well and is starting to get himself back to full fitness.

"For us, for Steven and for everybody connected with football club it's fantastic news. We're delighted for him and are looking forward to him getting back to full fitness and working hard for us and with us."

As well as his leadership qualities on the pitch, Dalglish is also grateful for the role his captain plays behind the scenes.

"He does everything. People only see what he does on the pitch," he added. "It's the same for Carra as well who is also influential among the young players. They are two great examples for them to sit and look up to.

"Steven, being the club captain, is very impressive - if there's a problem to be sorted in the dressing room, which isn't very often, he'll deal with it and it doesn't come any further than the dressing room which is fantastic for us. It doesn't happen too often but if it happens he steps in. So he stands up to be counted on and off the pitch. He's been a fantastic servant to the football club so let's hope he gets past his present contract as well.

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"He's been here since he was a very young boy. In this day and age there's not many people who go through their football career and represent just one club, especially people with quality like Steven. It's not as if he's been at a football club that's been without success either. If you're happy where you're playing, you're enjoying what you're doing and you enjoy the football club I don't see any reason to move, and it's fantastic for us that he hasn't."

And with a difficult 2011 behind him, Kenny is hoping Gerrard's early 2012 form can be repeated during the months to come.

"He's scored in two of the three games this year. If he keeps that up he'll win the Golden Boot!"