Fans' social media designs wanted
Fresh from winning a Shorty Award for the best use of Twitter by any sports team in the world, Liverpool FC are giving fans the chance to help redesign two of the club's official social media pages.
Having become the first Premier League club to launch official pages on Pinterest and Tumblr last month, the Reds have been praised in recent weeks for pushing the boundaries of what football clubs can do with social media and now we want to take that engagement to the next level.
Starting today, we want to get fans even more involved in shaping the look and feel of our presence on both our official Twitter and Facebook pages.
We realise that with millions of passionate fans around the world, there's a great chance many of you will be of a creative nature and brimming with original and artistic ideas. If that description fits you then you're exactly the sort of fan who should be getting involved in this project because for the whole of April, we're providing our Facebook and Twitter pages as a platform for fans to show off their artistic prowess in front of a global audience of over nine million fans.
Interested? Well, here's you get involved:
The Task: Design the background image that fans will see when they visit Liverpool FC's official Twitter page
The Design: The design is totally up to you - but one idea we'd definitely be interested in early on would be a montage of famous faces from LFC's history filling the whole screen. Fans can use images found on the official LFC website to help craft their designs.
The Specifications: The image needs to fill the entire screen - but you need to remember that depending on the different screen resolutions being used by different fans, not all of your image will be displayed on some monitors. Images placed on the left hand side of the screen are more likely to be seen than those on the right. The optimum size to design your background is believed to be 1920px for the width and 1200px for the height. A good guide to getting your dimensions right and what will be visible to fans can be found here. All images must be less than 800k and supplied as a GIF, JPG or PNG image.
The Prize: Worldwide fame, obviously! But if that's not enough - we'll throw in an annual pass for LFC TV Online for each background image we use. You'll also be able to tell everyone you know that you designed a social media background image for one of the biggest clubs in the world!
How to enter: Email your design to and include 'Twitter design' in the subject box. There is no closing date as this is an on-going competition with multiple winners. If we use your design, you are a winner.
The Task: Design the Cover image that fans will see when they visit Liverpool FC's official Facebook page.
The Design: The design must feature the official Liverpool FC crest but apart from that, you've got free reign. We're looking for really original and creative ideas so try and think outside the box (but inside the Cover image box, obviously). If you're looking for some seriously creative inspiration, check this little lot out.
The Specifications: Depending on the style of your design, there is either one image or two images that will be required. The main Cover image is what you see at the top of the page and the size required is 851px for the width and 315px for the height. It can be bigger, allowing the image to be dragged into position, but it can't be smaller. The better the resolution of the image, the better it will look. The second image you may require, depending on your design, will be the Profile image on the left hand side which should measures 180px wide by 180px in height. Depending on the nature of your Cover design, this Profile image may need to be the official LFC crest.
The Prize: As with the Twitter design competition, if we use your design, we'll credit you and also give you a free annual LFC Online pass worth £49.99.
How to enter: Email your design to and include 'Facebook design' in the subject box. There is no closing date as this is an on-going competition with multiple winners. If we use your design, you are a winner.
To kick start the competition, today our official Facebook page carries an original design submitted by LFC supporter and acclaimed graphic design Kit Nelson. Check it out here>>
Meanwhile, over on Twitter, today's design on the @LFC page is an original creation by fan Martin Jones. Have a look here>>