FA Cup semi ballot news
Liverpool Football Club is pleased to announce that just under 80 per cent of Members and Fan Card holders with three games that entered into the FA Cup semi-final ballot have been successful and will now be entitled to purchase a ticket.
We will shortly be emailing those supporters who have been successful. Fans can also check their status by visiting www.liverpoolfc.tv/ballot from around 1pm today (Wednesday).
The club is keen to get as many tickets fulfilled before the Easter break so with this in mind, the sale for the successful applicants will begin at 2pm this afternoon, Wednesday, April 4, 2012, and will continue tomorrow as planned.
Please note, if you are successful in the ballot you are guaranteed a ticket for the game. Due to the limited number of seats left we cannot, however, guarantee that we will be able to accommodate supporters wishing to sit together. Priority on these seats will be given to supporters travelling with Junior fans.
Due to the extremely high take-up in the earlier semi-final sales, we expect the game to sell out at this point so all other supporters registered in the ballot will receive an unsuccessful email today and there will be no waiting list position for tickets this time around.
Stay tuned to www.liverpooolfc.tv for further updates.