For every home match throughout the 2011-12 season, LFC's official matchday programme gave fans the chance to get to know their heroes that little bit better.

Ahead of each Anfield clash, the 'Just Can't Get Enough' feature conducted a quirky interview with a member of the first-team squad in which the questions ranged from football-related issues to dressing room banter and life off the pitch.

Over the next few days, will be publishing a selection of these interviews - and first up, who better to start with than the skipper himself, Steven Gerrard?

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Who's the toughest opponent you've faced?

There are quite a few, Messi, Ronaldinho, Zidane. Can I name all three? They're not too bad.

Can you remember the first 50:50 you went in to for the first team?

I think it was against Claude Makelele at Anfield. He was playing for Celta Vigo. I don't think I won it because I was only about eight stone at the time.

What's the funniest thing you've ever witnessed in training?

There have been so many. I remember when Michael Yates, a striker I played with when I was a kid coming through, struck a ball and it hit Joe Corrigan on the head. It knocked him out. At the time it wasn't funny because we didn't know how serious it was. But looking back now, it was hilarious. Joe was fine. Most of the funny incidents seem to involve people getting hit with a ball.

If you could have featured in one game from Liverpool's past which would you have chosen?

Probably one of the European Cup final wins, because I'd have two European medals then. I'm not sure which one I'd go for. I would have been happy to play in any of the four.

What's your favourite goal celebration ever?

I used to love the Jurgen Klinsmann dive. When he first started doing that I thought it was brilliant. Shefki Kuqi's is another I like. Celebrations interest me. Because you've been there and scored you have an idea of what's going through the player's head. When it happens you're lost in the moment.

Do you ever plan your celebrations?

No, it's just instinct. Sometimes you regret them and sometimes it goes well. But moments like that are what football is all about; winning important games, scoring important goals and getting lost in the moment. They are the experiences all footballers love.

Who's the loudest footballer you've encountered?

Carra, without a doubt. He's the loudest by a country mile.

Do you have any pre-match superstitions?

I don't have any big superstitions. It's more a routine than any superstition. I try to do things in the same order before a game.

What's the strangest superstition you've witnessed?

I always thought Paul Ince's was a bit different, when he used to put his shirt on outside the dressing room. People do different things because they're nervous. Early on in my career I used to be very nervous, now I try to use nerves to motivate me.

If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be?

It would have to be something to do with sport because I'm not very academic.

Which of the squad would fare worst if there was an LFC Mastermind competition?

Martin Kelly.

Who's the best dresser in the squad?

I can't say myself can I? Probably Glen Johnson, he's got the London style. Bellers is quite sharp too.

And the worst?

I'll have to go for Jose Enrique. He's a good lad but he dresses almost too smart. It's like he's going to a disco or a job interview.

Who gets most stick in the dressing room?

Again it's Jose Enrique. He gets the most because he's a bit vain.

Who dishes out most stick?

It's either Carra or Bellers. They both like to say what they think and it's usually quite funny.

If you hadn't made it as a footballer what job do you think you'd have now?

I really don't know what to say for that. I'd probably be doing some sort of trade and working with my dad.

Who's the best golfer in the squad?

Either Daniel Agger or Jonjo Shelvey. Both of them have a handicap of around five or six. Carra is up there as one of the worst because he cheats when he's filling in his score card. The lads who don't play on a regular basis obviously aren't that good. But of those who play properly Dirk and Pepe are probably the worst.

Do you think you could defeat them?

It depends what handicap I put in.

What are the best and worst movies you've watched recently?

The best was probably The Next Three Days with Russell Crowe, it's very good. The worst was The Social Network. I just didn't enjoy it. I didn't really get it. Facebook doesn't really interest me so maybe that was why. I switched it off halfway through.

What's the Best goal you've seen a teammate score in training?

An overhead kick by Fernando Torres.

What's the best pass you've witnessed in a match?

I saw so many when I was playing with Xabi Alonso. That's a tough one to answer. Kaka's pass for Hernan Crespo's goal in Istanbul was special, and the finish too.

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