For every home match throughout the 2011-12 season, LFC's official matchday programme gave fans the chance to get to know their heroes that little bit better.

Ahead of each Anfield clash, the 'Just Can't Get Enough' feature conducted a quirky interview with a member of the first-team squad in which the questions ranged from football-related issues to dressing room banter and life off the pitch.

For the last week, has been publishing one of these interviews each day and we continue the series with Jordan Henderson, who explains why he'll be picking Steven Gerrard as captain in his fantasy football team for 2012-13, tells us which three guests he'd like to have round for tea, and reveals his favourite holiday destination.

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Who is the best midfielder Britain has ever produced?

You'd have to say Steven Gerrard, wouldn't you? He's got everything you need going forward and defensively too. Plus, he's a leader and someone that scores goals, important goals. What a player.

Which player did you idolise growing up as a Sunderland supporter?

He didn't play in my position, but Kevin Phillips. He scored all kinds of goals and really helped the team on to a different level in the Premier League.

Do you get carried away when scoring a goal?

Everyone does, don't they? I suppose it depends what the goal means. You can score a tap-in that is significant in the outcome of the game and go wild but score a 30-yarder which is a consolation.

What was your favourite shirt number as a kid?

Seven, probably. Luis Suarez wears that one here so I don't think I'll be able to wrestle it off him!

If you had to ask three guests to dinner, who would you invite?

Rhianna would definitely be one. Gerard Butler might be another one. Most of his films are quite good. Why not ask Jennifer Aniston as well?

If you became a manager, which formation would you play?

4-3-3, the Barcelona way. I like the way it gives players the freedom to move about and make decisions on the pitch. It's flexible.

What is your favourite film?

Shawshank Redemption. It's an epic. I've watched it loads of times.

If you had the opportunity to take a month out from football and backpack around a country, where would you go?

Australia. You've got to go for the weather and the lifestyle, haven't you? It's a long way to go but it'd be worth it when you get there.

If you had to pick a fantasy football team for this season, who would be your captain?

Easy. Steven Gerrard. You'd get plenty of goals and plenty of assists, wouldn't you?

What was the best goal you've scored?

My first goal for Sunderland against Birmingham in the Carling Cup.

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