A fanatical Liverpool fan needs your help so that she can achieve her dream of representing Great Britain at the Deaflympics 2013 in Bulgaria.

Claire Stancliffe, who became profoundly deaf when she was eight, needs to raise £3600 in order to the fund flights, accommodation, transport, food, equipment and kit as well as accreditation, insurance and medical equipment for the games.

And having competed at the World Deaf Football Championships in 2008, the Deaflympics in 2009 as well as the World and European Deaf Football Championships in 2011, Claire's dream is to bring home gold in 2013.

Below is Claire's story:

"My name is Claire, I am 23 years old and have been a massive Liverpool supporter since I was little.

"Steven Gerrard is my favourite player and one of my dreams is to meet him. However this isn't my only dream. When I was four-and-a-half, I was diagnosed with a hearing impairment and the cause is unknown.

"My hearing got progressively worse when I was eight and I became profoundly deaf. I didn't let this stop me achieving my dreams. I have always loved playing football and only started playing for a local team when I was 14.

"At 18 years old I was scouted by the FA and invited to England and Great Britain Deaf Women's football training weekends. I currently play for AFC Rushden and Diamonds Ladies in Northamptonshire.

"I have competed at World Deaf Football Championships Greece 2008, Deaflympics 2009 in Taiwan, European Deaf Football Championships Bulgaria 2011 and World Deaf Futsal Championships 2011.

"On my debut against South Africa at the World Deaf Football Championships 2008 I scored four goals from left midfield and scored the quickest goal of the tournament on four minutes.

"After that I moved to central midfield and played there for GB at Deaflympics 2009. For this I had to raise £3000 which was a huge amount for someone who was at university full time.

"I am currently preparing with GB for Deaflympics 2013 held in Bulgaria. However, unless I raise £3600 I won't be able to go. As a squad we need over £80000 to send the team to the Deaflympics.

"We don't receive any financial help from the government or national governing bodies as the little funding we did have many years ago was diverted to the London 2012 Olympics/Paralympics.

"The £3600 will cover the cost of flights, accommodation, transport, food, equipment, kit, accreditation, insurance and medical equipment for one player.

"For someone who studies and works full time it is a very difficult task to raise that amount of money and at the same time ensure we train individually to make sure we are fit.

"My dream is to go to the Deaflympics 2013 and bring home the gold for Great Britain.

"We have the potential to do this; however, we can't do it unless we raise enough money."

If you would like to donate, you can do so via PayPal using clairestancliffe@live.co.uk. You can also use this same email address to contact Claire personally. Please help make a fellow Red's dream come true.