Jordan Henderson is in no doubt that he has enough quality to represent Liverpool and will not rest on the training ground to ensure he earns more playing time under Brendan Rodgers.

The 22-year-old has been named in the starting XI for the last two fixtures - the first time this season that the midfielder has been selected for consecutive matches.

With another Barclays Premier League encounter following quickly on Wednesday at Tottenham, Henderson is determined to make the most of his opportunity and prove his worth to both the manager and the fans.

"It's nice to be back playing more regularly. I've been working hard and trying to improve my game since the manager came in," the former Sunderland player explained to

"He has helped me do that and told me what I need to work on, and I feel as though I've done that. I'm still improving but I was delighted to get a start [against Swansea] and I think I played some good stuff as well."

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Henderson made 48 appearances during the 2011-12 campaign under Kenny Dalglish, but has been restricted to irregular action since Rodgers was handed the reins during the summer.

While the No.14 accepted squad rotation has been a different challenge to deal with, the midfielder launched a passionate pledge to help the Liverpool cause.

"It's been different, it's been a challenge - but one that I've looked forward to," continued Henderson, who has scored two goals in a red shirt.

"I've always said, I always want to play for Liverpool Football Club and I give everything I can to do so every single day that I come in training and every game that I play.

"I'll always give 110 per cent and I always believe in myself at the same time. I believe that I'm good enough to play for Liverpool.

"I want to improve as a player and be the best that I can be, and I'm sure the manager does as well. He's been brilliant with me, to be honest, and helped me a lot.

"From the outside it's easy to say that I haven't been playing and maybe not in favour of the manager and stuff like that, but it's a different feeling for me - the messages I'm getting from the manager, how I need to improve my game, looking at games that I have played and what I need to do better.

"I definitely feel as though I've come on over the last few months and now I need to really start kicking on and showing what I can do."

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Part of Henderson's readjustment has included the occasional performance at right-back rather than his usual midfield berth - a role the England international is happy to play.

He added: "It's quite new. I've played there once or twice before, but it's just another position that I've been given the chance to play in.

"I've enjoyed it when I've been there so whatever job I need to do for the team, I'll do. I just want to be playing football."

Turning his thoughts to the team's season so far, Henderson noted a similar trend to his personal situation and warned that the Reds will improve with every passing match - starting with Tottenham Hotspur on Wednesday.

"We've definitely improved throughout the season, I think you can see that in the way that we play and the way that our shape has been recently," said the youngster.

"I think it's been really good. We'll only get better and stronger, pick up a few more wins along the way and I'm sure that will drive us on.

"We know Tottenham are a really good side and they've got a lot of good players, it will be a tough place to go. But we've got the confidence and the ability in the team to go there and get a good result.

"We've got to concentrate on ourselves first, do what we need to do, keep the ball and play some good stuff, and defend like we have been. We're looking forward to it and hopefully it will be a good day for us.

"They got a good result against West Ham and they'll want to kick on from that now, but we need to make sure we go there and keep doing what we've been doing."