Spurs fan Dave Tickner from Sportinglife.com provides the view from the Lane ahead of Wednesday's contest in London.

How is Andre Villas Boas settling in?

He's doing all right. Spurs fans are split between those who can't believe he's replaced Harry Redknapp and see only his flaws, and those who had grown so weary of 'Arry's blame-avoidance and guffspeak that AVB can do no wrong. Perhaps that's a response to the nonsense AVB has to put up with from other fans and Redknapp cheerleaders in the press. The truth, as ever, lies in the middle. He's a talented young coach with clear ideas and I just really, really hope he gets sufficient time for us to discover one way or the other whether it's going to work.

How has he changed the way Spurs play?

There are so many grumblings about his reluctance to use 4-4-2, but in truth his 4-2-3-1 is not so different from Redknapp's 4-4-1-1. It's still Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon in wide positions with someone playing off the striker. The difference is that the creative heartbeat of the side has been lost with the departures of Luka Modric and Rafa van der Vaart. There's more emphasis on the energy of Spurs' play, with the defence playing a high line and much resting on the ability of Sandro and Mousa Dembele to cover acres of ground as the midfield two and the pace offered out wide by Lennon, Bale and also Kyle Walker. Unfortunately Dembele has missed much of the season with injury and we've had Tom Huddlestone in his place. Hudd has many qualities as a footballer, but the lung-busting ability to maraud around the field is not one of them.

There were reports that Liverpool wanted Clint Dempsey in the summer - how's he doing?

He's had his struggles, to be fair. He's been asked to play a different role; most of his success at Fulham came cutting in from wide, but at Spurs he's been the central man of the attacking three behind Jermain Defoe. Essentially he's replaced van der Vaart, and that's not easy. However, there were hugely encouraging signs in the West Ham game at the weekend.

Best way to beat Spurs right now?

Be level after 80 minutes. We concede so many late goals it's untrue. Maybe it's a result of players tiring due to the high-energy game AVB likes to play, I'm not sure. We've conceded a goal in the last 10 minutes in eight of our 13 Premier League games, with six points lost as a result. I read somewhere last week that if Premier League games ended after 80 minutes, Spurs would be second in the table. Always thought those rugby chaps were on to something.


Player we need to keep an eye on?

Mousa Dembele. He's been absolutely excellent since signing from Fulham. I still can't quite believe no-one higher up the food chain made a move. He makes AVB's whole gameplan tick. We haven't lost a game he's been involved in this season, in any competition. The bad news for you is that he's come off the bench in the last two games and could be fit to start on Wednesday.

What have you made of Liverpool under Brendan Rodgers?

It's not dissimilar to us under AVB really. Both clubs have made appointments with an eye on the long-term, giving the top job to young, promising managers with clear ideas and beliefs on the way the game should be played. For ambitious clubs without a billionaire to bankroll them, this has to be the way forward. Much as it might not please either of us, the consistent success enjoyed at Manchester United and Arsenal is evidence that this is the only way to go when you don't have bottomless reserves of cash. Like us, you've been inconsistent but the good displays have come often enough to suggest the plan is worth persevering with. Both clubs have started down a road that will have pitfalls along the way, but the potential rewards at the end of it mean patience is required.

Song/chant we can expect to hear?

"We'll sing what we want, We'll sing what we want, We're Tottenham Hotspur, We'll sing what we want."


If we play as we can - as we did against West Ham - we'll win. Whether we will or not is another matter. I'll say 2-1 Spurs. With your goal coming in the 86th minute, obviously.