A unique friendship in world football will be celebrated on Saturday as two sets of supporters meet for a Christmas drink.

Fans of Liverpool and Borussia Moenchengladbach will gather at the Sandon post-match to bring in the festive season in style after the Anfield clash with Fulham.

Since 2007, Liverpool supporters led by season ticket holder Graham Agg have flown to Moenchengladbach on an annual reciprocal friendship visit to support Borussia in the Bundesliga.

Agg said: "The special friendship was first forged during the 1977 European cup final in Rome between Liverpool and Borussia Moenchengladbach and the fact it continues to this day is a credit of both sets of supporters."

"It should never be forgotten that back in 1991 the official BMG supporters club donated 21,000 Deutsch Marks (approx £7,000) to the Hillsborough families."

There will be a special presentation at half-time during the Fulham match when both sets of supporters will walk onto the pitch to celebrate a unique friendship.

Any supporters interested in attending the after match party at the Sandon in Anfield should contact Agg via email grahamlfc@aol.com.

Supporters should also note the 2013 annual Moenchengladbach friendship visit will take place from Friday, March 15 to Monday, March 18.