Jamie Carragher accepts that defensive improvements are required if Liverpool are going to get their season back on track.

The Reds have recorded successive 2-0 defeats following their first leg loss against Zenit St Petersburg on Thursday.

There had been several chances for an away goal in Russia before the hosts fired two in three minutes midway through the second half to leave Carragher and co with work to do in next week's Anfield return.

"It's frustrating because up until they scored it was just about a perfect European night for us really," the No.23 told the Liverpool Echo.

"We can't just say we created chances and should have scored.

"There's no point us looking at the strikers. We have each got to look at ourselves as a team defensively in that situation.

"The fact is we can't keep conceding goals like that, especially at that stage of the game.

"We had got to the 70th minute and we were doing well. The first goal is a great strike but you can always defend situations like that better.

"Then the second goal is a poor goal all-round from us and that's something you get punished for at this level.

"We dealt with the onslaught in the first half.

"We created a few chances and in the second half we looked in control - that's European football.

"Some have experienced it a lot but we've also got a lot of young lads and you've got to learn quickly at this level. You think you are in control and then bang, out of nothing you are 2-0 down."

Having helped Liverpool mount countless comebacks during his 149 European appearances, Carragher isn't calling next week's second leg mission impossible just yet.

"We've got a mountain to climb but the club have climbed those type of mountains in the past," he said. "It's something we have to look to do again at Anfield next Thursday.

"It's a disappointing night for us but we have to dust ourselves down and try to come back from this. If we achieve that it will be a great night.

"Of course they are big favourites now but it's not over. It will make for a great atmosphere at Anfield and if we can get that first goal then the place will be bouncing.

"Every week is a massive week for Liverpool - nothing changes.

"We have to get out of this mini slump we're in quickly. It's not been Brendan Rodgers' problem, consistency has been a problem here for a few years now.

"At the moment it's down to ourselves, the manager and our coaching staff to get us out of it."

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