Reds midfielder Suso has revealed that his football idol changed when he arrived at Liverpool – with skipper Steven Gerrard overtaking French legend Zinedine Zidane.

The Spaniard was in conversation with the official matchday programme, and you can read more of what the 19-year-old had to say below...

Your first game?

It was at school in Cadiz. In Spain, children would play five-versus-five. I remember it was in the afternoon and it was really hot!

First boots?

They were adidas Predator. It was the David Beckham model with the big tongues. I had a grey pair.

First position?

I started playing on the left wing and then I moved to midfield, then to a No.10 role and now right wing. I have moved across the pitch!

Best goal?

One I liked was for the reserves against Newcastle United. I think that was a really nice goal. Another that stands out was also with the reserves against Everton at Anfield. We were drawing 1-1 and I scored to make it 2-1. I would pick out those two.

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Shirt number?

It's No.10 but I will keep the No.30. A lot of people have been asking me if I will change but I think I will stick with 30 now.

Favourite stadium?

Apart from Anfield, I would have to say the Bernabeu. I have been to the Bernabeu and the Nou Camp but I think in the big games the atmosphere in the Santiago Bernabeu is unrivalled.

And to play in?

Again I'll say the Bernabeu. I haven't played there and I would love to.

Your team as a boy?

I played for Cadiz, which is my hometown but as a boy I always supported Real Madrid.

Any famous shirt swaps?

When I was at Cadiz I remember I made the bench when I was just 15 against Real Madrid. Afterwards I was able to swap shirts with David Beckham. He gave me his shirt and it is in my house. It was a very special moment to be able to take his shirt.

Who is your football idol?

When I was young I'd always say Zidane but since I've been here I would say Stevie. Every time I see him it's like he's from another world. He works hard every day and he always wants to improve even though he has won almost everything. At 32 he still wants to keep getting better. That shows me how much I have to learn.

Favourite sounds?

In terms of music I quite like everything to be honest. I always listen to Spanish music as well as English. So yes, I like most types of music really.

What was your last download?

It was Rihanna's Diamonds.

Last film?

I went to see The Impossible at the cinema a few weeks ago. It is the film about the true story of the tsunami. It was alright. It is a little bit sad and not the normal type of film that I go to see.

Which of your teammates is the best dressed?

The best would have been Nuri Sahin when he was here. Now I will say Glen Johnson.

The funniest?

That's between Jose Enrique and Dani Pacheco but I think Pacheco is a little bit funnier. He is really funny.

The daftest?

Flanno! He is funny as well. When you are with him, he always makes you laugh.

And the brightest?

Joe Allen. He is quiet but a really nice guy and every time you speak to him, he gives you confidence. You can tell that he's clever.

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