Ahead of Saturday's live clash with Everton at the Halton Stadium, we caught up with Liverpool FC Ladies boss Matt Beard.

The first leg of the FA Women's Super League Continental Cup is being broadcast live on ESPN and kicks-off at 7.30pm GMT.

Beard has totally reshaped the ladies team for the new season with a virtually new line-up, meaning the clash with the Blues is being hotly anticipated.

You've been with the club for six months now Matt - how would you describe your time here so far?

It has been challenging, especially the first six months after inheriting the original team. We have had a very busy off-season programme, especially with the player recruitment and strengthening the side. I've enjoyed the challenge, though. It has been a great challenge and with all the hard work we have put in we are looking forward to some good performances on the pitch now.

What would you say the biggest challenges have been so far?

Obviously the recruitment of the right type of player because we were offered a lot of players in the winter period and we also spoke to a lot of players. We wanted to bring not only the best talent to the club but also those with the right character to fit in with our philosophy. It's important that the team gel and bond on and off the pitch, so a lot of work has gone into that but we are pleased with the progress we have made.

How has the preparation been going for the new season?

It's been really good. We have had some really good results in pre-season. I feel the players are starting to understand what we are asking them to do. Each time we have played the performances have got better so the preparation is going well. We still have plenty to work on.

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There has been quite a significant investment made during the close season with a number of new arrivals. What does that say about the club's ambition for the ladies team?

That's what made me come to the club in the first place. The ambition from the football club is second to none. They want to be challenging at the top end of the table. Obviously things haven't gone well for the club in the Super League in the first two seasons and that investment was needed if we wanted to be successful. The support from everyone at the club has been fantastic and we are hopeful that we can reward their support and backing.

For those Liverpool fans who don't know too much about the new signings, could you tell us a bit more about them...

We've signed a couple of American internationals in Whitney Engen, who just won her third cap for the senior team. She's a centre-back, a fantastic player and a great leader on the pitch as well. We got Gemma Bonner from Chelsea and she has just broken into the England senior set-up. Becky Easton has come in from Everton. She's an experienced player who can play right-back and centre-back and she will provide good competition for places within the squad. Recently we brought in Corina Schroder from Germany. She's a left-back and her experience is going to be invaluable to us having won the German league, the Champions League twice and German Cup. So we have identified players that have played in big games and have won trophies, can handle the pressure and pass that knowledge on to the other players in the squad. We've also signed Fara Williams. She's a midfield player who has over 100 caps for England. She has a fantastic range of passing and good from dead ball situations as well.  We have also signed Katrin Omarsdottir who is an Icelandic international and can be one of the best midfield players in the league this year without a shadow of a doubt. She's very good on the ball, strong and quick, so I'm looking forward to working with her and improving her as a player in the English way I guess. Natasha Dowie has come in from Everton and is a goalscorer and a fantastic player.

We have a German winger, Nicole Rosler, who can play right or left and I'm really excited by her signing. For me she's a complete player and always has a smile on her face. She has a fantastic attitude and I think she will cause one or two problems for teams this season. We got Jessica Holbrook in from Leeds and she was one of the best midfield players we saw. She can play anywhere in midfield and out wide so she gives us a lot of flexibility. We managed to bring in Louise Fors who is a Swedish international. She can play wide left and in the No.10 role. She is an attacking midfield player with lots of flair and she is fantastic from a dead ball situation. Lastly we brought in Amanda Da Costa, a USA U23 international and an attacking midfielder. We also have Lucy Bronze from Everton who can play at right-back and centre back. She is a great signing and will go on to be a senior international for England for a long time.

You mentioned some players arriving from Everton. What's the crossing divide like in womens' football because it's a big thing in mens' football when a player crosses the park?

I guess it's pretty much the same. We just want to concentrate on making sure the team gels and I'm sure they had good times at Everton but it's a new chapter for them now with Liverpool.

Looking at your pre-season results, they've been fantastic with five straight victories and 30 goals scored and just two conceded. Are you surprised by how quickly the new players have gelled together?

As each game has gone on the performances have got better and I think the girls have gelled together really well on and off the pitch, and that helps. I've been pleased mainly with the amount of different players we have had scoring goals and we've also created a lot of chances. That's encouraging but we need to keep our feet firmly on the ground and make sure we continue to progress.

How difficult or easy is it to manage expectations and what do you need to say to the players to make sure they do keep their feet on the ground?

Well there's competition for places right across the board so first and foremost they've got to be disciplined within themselves. The rotation during the pre-season has showed the players that not one of them can be complacent about playing because everyone has done their job well, but also it's a long season. Arsenal have won the league for a long time now, about eight or nine years on the spin. They have a settled side, so do Birmingham. Chelsea have improved their squad with international players so it's going to be a tough season. We've just got to make sure we take each game as it comes and keep working as hard as we can.

What are your realistic targets for the season then?

We want to be in the top end of the table so top four or above is where we are looking as a minimum. We'll review that after every three games and see where we are and what we need to do to make sure we are competing with the likes of Arsenal and Birmingham.

How would you describe the support from the fans for the ladies team and what would you say to encourage more people to come down to the Halton Stadium this season?

Since I've came to the club fans have said some nice things about the way we are trying to play and go forward as a team. It's a new side this season and there have been lots of positive comments, and obviously results in pre-season have helped that. I think if they come to the games they will enjoy the way that we play and hopefully we can continue to keep scoring goals. One thing I'm pleased about is how hard the team are working, especially in training and in the game situations, and they wear that red shirt with pride. It's a fantastic city, it's a fantastic club and the girls are enjoying it and so am I.

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