New inquests into the deaths of 96 supporters at Hillsborough will take place at the start of next year.

The coroner who will oversee the hearings, Lord Goldring, told families and campaigners at a hearing in London today that he would aim for early 2014.

There had been some dismay at the contention of the Police Federation that the inquests should not be held until after the investigations into the cover-up had been completed - a process which will take many years.

However, Lord Goldring indicated that any such delay would be wrong.

He told the hearing: "Anne Williams's death is a powerful reminder, if one were needed, that there is an urgency attaching to the commencement of the inquest hearings as well as a need for that investigation to be as full as possible."

Lord Goldring also said that he would confirm a venue for the inquests next week.

New inquests were ordered in December when the High Court quashed the original accidental death verdicts.

All this follows the damning report into the tragedy and the subsequent cover up by the Hillsborough Independent Panel last September.