Pepe Reina spoke about his children's Scouse accents, the Kop's Steve Bruce song, Jose Enrique's hair and his hope of staying at Liverpool for '12 or 13 years' during an interview with @LFC today.

While answers to the questions were limited to 140 characters on Twitter, Reina was happy to expand on all the issues raised by fans for - and it makes entertaining reading.

We've pulled out some of his best answers below - or LFC TV Online subscribers can watch the full interview at the bottom of this story.

Did it take you and your family long to adjust to life in Liverpool? (@Coppin_LFC)

No, not really. The people were so warm and welcoming from the beginning and it is something we really appreciated. Still now, the people are really good to us and it is one of the best things about Liverpool of course.

You have a growing family now, of course; do they like it here?

Of course, with all the Scousers it is always good and they are proud because of the accent they are picking up and the friends they are making along the way. They are happy in their schools and they feel like Liverpool is home.

Fancy a pint, Pepe? (@ _davemclaughlin)

Well at the right time, yes, of course. There is always time to enjoy with your friends and your family, and why not? On a day off or whenever you can fit it in, of course, you are welcome.

Where do you like to go in Liverpool?

I don't go out too much, to be honest, but I like The Cavern. It is one of those places where you feel nice and relaxed and the atmosphere is always right.

Do you like being bald? (@sabee_7)

I think I have no other option right now. I get used to it and my wife likes it so that makes it okay. Jose Enrique is constantly changing his style, would I like a full head of hair like him? Not like him, definitely not like him, no. He knows what I think but I'd rather be like myself: baldy and proud.

Do you still get goose bumps when you hear the Kop sing You'll Never Walk Alone? (@dvidamour)

It is a special moment. Obviously at the beginning it was quite new, so it was an impact. Now, it is not that you get used to it, but you still feel incredibly lucky that those fans are right behind you. It is quite an awesome anthem and I'm lucky enough to enjoy it every 15 days.

You are obviously closer to the fans than everyone else, do you hear the songs they sing like the new ones that are cropping up for different players?

It is quite hard to pick up the letters. Some of them are brilliant. I remember the one of Steve Bruce that I was literally crying my eyes out at. Those moments are special in football and they are to enjoy.

Which striker always seems to get the best of you? (@KevHegarty23)

There can be many. [Robin] van Persie lately has been a nightmare, to be honest. It was Fernando [Torres] when I was playing back in Spain, [Didier] Drogba was a headache at times too but right now I think van Persie is quite a lot to handle.

What about in terms of the Liverpool players in training?

In training, Luis [Suarez] is different class. He always gives you a headache, especially with that last touch which you are not expecting. He is so alive in training as well.

You are known as the joker of the dressing room, what is the best prank you have played on a teammate? (@CazLFCGleek)

Am I?


Did someone tell you? It is not only me! I don't know, just Jose's hair comes to my mind again - it is one of those things you will never forget. He knows and he accepts it as it comes.

What do you say to him?

That he has a carpet on his head, basically. He is a good lad.

Who are the new jokers then? You said there is a new crop.

Luis is quite funny, so is Studge [Daniel Sturridge] and Jose is always giving some banter but also just taking it in the right way.

How long are you going to stay at Liverpool? Do you want to finish your career here? (@Steven_Simply)

I've got three more years so I'll be around for at least three more years I guess and then it depends on Liverpool. It would be a nice history to be here more than 12 or 13 years, why not?

But you're happy?

Yeah, yeah, I'm happy. I say many times and my family are happy, they feel like this is home and that has been the case in the good and the bad moments.

Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they? (@james_ynwa)

How long do we have? I have loads.

What are the mains ones?

On the way to the stadium, I have to fill up the fuel tank of my car even if I don't need it. That is one, and I always come onto the pitch with my right foot. They are the most important ones.

Does it frustrate you having to do all the different rituals?

No, no. I think it gives me some mind peace. After them I feel like I am ready - it is another thing of getting older.

Do you think it is odd?

To have that many? Kind of, yeah. It is probably odd but most of us have some rituals as well, so respect them please!

We have seen Jose Enrique don the gloves before, but which other outfield player is good at goalkeeping? (@KeTshaka)

Luis. He is a very talented goalkeeper as well and so is Johnno [Glen Johnson]. I would say either of them can play if anything happens to any of us.

Do you have more confidence in them than any of the others?

Yep - definitely more than Jose. No confidence in him...

Pepe also talks about his neighbours (hint: you'll have heard of them), goalkeeping coaches, David Villa and loads more - available to LFC TV Online subscribers below or on LFC TV at 6.30pm BST on Monday.

Watch the video here »