A group of Liverpool fans in Romania have been recognised with Official Supporters Club status by the Reds.

More than 200 passionate fans have already registered with the group, which can boast representatives throughout the Eastern European country - from Bucharest to Timisoara.

Through word of mouth, social media and meeting together to watch their team live in action, the Romanian Reds are determined to expand further in the years to come.

"We will not just sit and watch what's happening but get involved and become a very active branch," Horia Matei explained to the official LFC magazine.

"We are at the beginning, we're learning, and we'll take it step by step. It's impossible to give credit to only one person for building such a strong community.

"It's the merit of a few stubborn people who never gave up the dream of getting the Romanian Reds together. By the end of next year I expect the registered members total to be more than 400."

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