Auto Cup Ticket Scheme update
Liverpool have released the following Auto Cup Ticket Scheme announcement for season ticket holders and members who are not currently enrolled.
The enrolment period has been extended until further notice.
For information on how to join the Auto Cup Ticket Scheme, please click here>>
Sales channels
On sale online until sold out or otherwise advertised.
Call the booking line on 0843 170 5555 (overseas 0044 151 907 9399) between 8.15am BST and 5.45pm from Monday to Friday and between 9.15am and 3pm on Saturday.
Visit the ticket office at Anfield between 8.15am and 3.45pm from Monday to Friday and between 9.15am and 3pm on Saturday.
Important information
The Auto Cup Ticket Scheme allows one enrolment per season ticket holder/official member per competition only. Those season ticket holders who enrolled during season ticket renewal or during the additional enrolment period for season ticket holders only cannot enrol during this time.
Capacity for cup schemes is limited and tickets are subject to availability during this period of sale.
For all supporters enrolling into an Auto Cup Ticket Scheme during this additional enrolment period, the price band of the ticket purchased will be the price band selected for payment during Auto Cup Scheme payment runs.
For example, if you purchase an adult ticket, you will be charged the adult price during payment runs for all home cup matches. If you purchase a junior ticket, you will be charged the junior price during payment runs for all competitions.
For Auto Cup Ticket Scheme season ticket FAQ's, click here>>
For Auto Cup Ticket Scheme official member FAQ's, click here>>