Liverpool striker Rickie Lambert spent an hour fielding questions from fans on SportsYapper yesterday, sharing a series of fascinating and entertaining facts about himself and his teammates at Melwood.

The Reds' No.9 assumed control of the official @LFC profile on the sports social media application, which brings together supporters from across the world to discuss the team they love.

Many wacky, weird and wonderful posers were sent to Lambert, who responded with light-hearted humour to reveal more about his own personality and the experience of life at Anfield.

Scroll below to relive the Q&A, click here to download SportsYapper for free now and head to @LFC to see a number of behind-the-scenes images the Scouser captured during the chat too.

@zinaianni96: How did it feel to score in the Champions League, Rickie?

As you could tell from my reaction, I went to get the ball because we needed to win the game. I didn't think until afterwards that I'd scored in the Champions League. It was a great achievement. It was something I'll always remember.

@hobsey: Do you know if Lucas has come out of the crowd at Villa Park yet after your goal?

I didn't see him do it at the time! It was only afterwards when I watched and I saw Lucas jumping in - I laughed my head off. My mates were texting me afterwards asking if I'd seen it. I loved the fact he had two attempts!

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@liver92bird: Who's the loudest player at Melwood?

Definitely Jose Enrique - he is by far the loudest. If he's not shouting when he's winning table tennis, he's making other noises. I don't understand a word he's saying! Some of the shouts are so loud.

@forgottoduck: if I took the band Steps inside my house would I have to call them Stairs?

[Laughing] No, they'd still be called Steps, wouldn't they? Unless you used them as stairs, then you'd be able to call them that!

@idomo1: Who's got the best technique!!?

There are a few...there are definitely a few. Philly [Coutinho], Stevie, Studge, Razza... Depends what kind of technique you're talking about. If it's striking, it's Stevie. If it's dribbling and skill then it's Coutinho. Ads [Lallana] is also up there.

@ynwabrian: Did your parents want you to do something else?

No! Can't really say I wanted to follow my father into his work and working in the fields. From very young, they knew I wanted to be a footballer.

@sclar3: Do you go to the supermarket late at night to get the reduced stuff??


@lfc100: Coutinho's goal vs City or Henderson's?

At the time, I thought Henderson's. I was right behind his. But, looking on TV, Phil's looked more difficult and further out. But I'm going to have to go for Hendo's, a drop of the shoulder and in the top corner.

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@premeeks03: I'd love to know all about the atmosphere in the dressing room building up to a big home game. I'd imagine Stevie to give one hell of a pep talk!

Stevie has moments where if he feels he needs to say something, he will do, but it's pretty chilled out, like most dressing rooms. The closer it gets to the game, the more fired up the lads get and the more focused. It's always a good feeling leading up to a game.

@jammyhd: Who is the best player you have ever played with?

Stevie. When I first trained with him with England, it was incredible to see up close just how good he is. Working alongside him makes you realise just what an outstanding footballer he is and his technique is incredible.

@alisonmarie78: Do you have a song you listen to before a game?

It's normally Pedro [Philippou, sports therapist] who is in charge of the music. He asks everyone what type of music they want, so he has a mixture. I normally like house, but some of the music that he gets asked for is shocking!

@miscialilfc: You have an amazing penalty record so what is your secret to a perfect penalty??

Power and confidence. Keep it as simple as possible.

@sclar3: How long before we first saw 3-4-3 in a match was BR preparing the squad in training?

I think we played it for the first time against Swansea in the cup and it worked quite well. We'd been working on it for a couple of days. We didn't play it again for a while but when we started playing it regularly, you noticed the difference straight away. It just clicked.

@boston88: Is Sakho as big as he looks on TV?

He is big - I'll put him on a par with Skrtel.

@mbbhimji: Which former LFC player would you liked to have played with at Liverpool?

There are three: Kenny Dalglish, John Barnes and Ian Rush.

@abansal: Whose haircut is better, Balotelli or Lallana?

They both love their hair. Mario would blatantly say yes, Ads would try to deny. But he's constantly in the mirror. I'll say Ads because he'll get upset otherwise!

@imjanette: What do you put inside your carry-on bag on match day?

[Laughs] My roll-on deodorant, hair product, shower gel...mainly stuff to make me feel fresh after a shower following a game.

@redforever96: If Rickie had a question for me, then I'll be more than happy to answer?

I can see from your photo it looks like your lad has last season's LFC shirt. How would you like one from this season signed by me?

@kerrad: What is your favorite spot in Liverpool?

I would say the docks area. I've been to a few cities, but Liverpool city centre remains one of the nicest I've seen!

@sweetmore: How much did you get paid at the beetroot factory?

£20 a day!