Out of the thousands of 'kids in kits' pictures that you've been sending in for our signed shirt competition, two young fans have managed to touch the hearts of our judges.

Last week, we asked supporters to submit pictures of their kids wearing the new LFC strip and while the final countdown of the cutest kids in each age group is not set to be revealed until later this week, we wanted to share with our worldwide fan base the stories of two little kids who have shown amazing bravery so far in their young lives.

First up is 15-month-old Kyle Daniel Moodley who can rightly stake a claim to be Liverpool FC's toughest warrior.

Kyle's parents penned this message from him, when submitting his picture to LFC.

"When my mummy gave birth to me in Johannesburg, South Africa, I was three-and-a-half months premature and weighed 700 grams. Doctors told my mum and dad that I probably would not make it. I fought very hard to survive. Throughout my three month stay at the neonatal ICU my LFC flag was flying high next to my incubator. When I went for my first heart operation my LFC flag was with me in the theatre. At the hospital I am known as Mr Liverpool amongst all the nurses, doctors and surgeons. My name is Kyle Daniel Moodley, I was born on February 7, 2011 and I am a little LFC warrior. PS. I am now 15 months old and I weigh 7kgs. YNWA."

Another fan who caught our attention was, three-year-old Jack Buse (pictured above), a big fan of Pepe Reina.

Jack suffers from Acute Leukaemia and is a full-time inpatient at Great Ormond Street Hospital. He was recently allowed home for the weekend, his first time since January 2012, and to his surprise, Reina's new kit was waiting for him as a special present.

Jack's dad wrote this message to LFC: "My wife and I feel that any way of highlighting Jack's situation may help others suffering with leukaemia and help soften the impact on their families. He was so pleased when he found his kit waiting at home. Jack loves Pepe's kit!"

Stay tuned to the website later this week to find out which kids have won the cutest baby, U5, U10 and Groups categories.