Log in to your account.

Eligible supporters can enter the ballots here.

The ballots you are eligible for will then appear.

Step 1: Click Enter Ballot to choose the ballot you wish to enter.


Step 2: Click Continue To Ballot Entry


Step 3: Click Select Ballot Entries


Step 4.1: Using the drop down arrows, select the number of ballot entries you require (a maximum of 4 eligible supporters).

Supporters MUST read the Important Information before making their selection.


Step 4.2: Using the drop down arrows, select the supporter you are entering the ballot for. Only those eligible friends and family will be available to select from.


Step 4.3: Once you have finished making your selection, click Add To Ballot Entry


Step 5: The next page gives you an opportunity to review the details you have entered by clicking Review Ballot Entries, or if you are happy with your selection, click Continue To Ballot Summary


Step 6: Here you will find a summary of your selection. To continue with your ballot entries click Continue to Payment Details


Step 7: Choose a payment card which you would like to use for payment if you are successful in the ballot: you can select a saved card or add a new card.

Once you have selected the payment card you wish to use, you must accept our Terms and Conditions and then click Complete Ballot Entry.

Please note that no payment will be taken at this point and your payment card will only be charged if your booking is successful in the ballot.


Step 8: Confirmation of ballot entry